Meaning of Prayer in Islam -->

Meaning of Prayer in Islam

Monday 26 November 2018, November 26, 2018
                 SCIENCE STUDIES

A. Meaning of prayer

   according to language. prayer means "prayer" while according to the shari'a prayer is a worship consisting of certain words and deeds, beginning with takbiratul ihram (saying "allaahu akbar"), and ending with greetings (saying "assalaamu 'alaikum warahmatullaah")

with certain conditions.

B. Big obligation for prayer

Prayer 5 times is an obligation that must be upheld by every Muslim who is already well-versed, both male and female, in good health and illness. The basic obligation of this prayer is the Koran and hadith.


"and establish prayer, give zakat and bow with those who bow" (al-baqarah 2:43)

  there are still many other verses containing the command to establish prayer, namely al-baqarah, 2: 43,110,238: an-nissa, 4: 77,133: Hud, 11: 114:, Al-israa, 17: 78 maryam, 29-45, Ar-ruum, 30: 31, Luqmaan, 31:17, Al-Muja is, 58: 13, Al-Muzzammil, 73:20



 "from abu abdirrahman abdullah bin umar bin khattab, may Allah bless them both, he said: I have heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said: 'Islam was founded on five grounds, namely: bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad's prophet , establishing prayer, performing zakat, carrying out the pilgrimage to Baitullah, and fasting in the month of Ramadan. "(narrated by Bukhari and Muslim priests)

C. Prayer Position in Islam

 prayer began to be required when the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Carrying out the Islamic Ascension, which is 1 year before he emigrated to Medina. In the beginning prayer was obliged to the Prophet Muhammad as many as 50 times a day and overnight. relief to God so that prayer becomes 5 times a day and a night.

 in Islam, prayer occupies a very important position as one of the five Islamic laws. in a hadith the Prophet PBUH. said:


"Prayer is the pillar of religion, so whoever establishes prayer means that he has upheld religion. (Vice versa), whoever leaves prayer, means he has broken down the foundation of religion."

  besides that, prayer also has a very decisive position, namely determining whether or not the charity of this matter is narrated in a hadith:


"Surely the human charity that was first taken away (examined) on the Day of Judgment is its prayer. If the prayer is received, then the other deeds are accepted. And if the prayer is rejected, then the other practices will be rejected" (H.R Thabrani)
