The Science of this Fact Earth Leaks Sneak into the Earth's mantle -->

The Science of this Fact Earth Leaks Sneak into the Earth's mantle

Monday 16 September 2019, September 16, 2019
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SCIENCE STUDIES, a recent study reveals interesting facts. The core of the earth is known to have leaked. some of its contents slip into the Earth's mantle.

some of which successfully reached the surface of the earth, this discovery helps uncover the mystery that haunts the years of scientists?

whether the core and mantle of the earth exchange material.

"Our findings show that some material from the (earth) core, really moved to the bottom of the mantle," the researchers said in the conversation, a site where scientists write their findings to the public.

The leak is known to have occurred since the past 2.5 billion years. This finding is proven by the presence of the 74th tungsten metal (W) element in the priodic table in the Earth's core.

whereas the core itself consists mainly of nickel and iron.

the researchers also studied rocks flowing to the surface of the earth from the deep mantle. This was done by the Craton pilbara, West australia. as well as the Reunion island and the hotspot of the Kerguelen islands in the Indian Ocean.

The study was published online June 20 in the journal "Geochemical perspectives latters.

furthermore the researchers also, before 2.5 billion years ago nothing had changed significantly in the tungsten isotope.

it shows, there is little exchange in the upper mantle of the earth. However, since the last 2.5 billion years, the composition of the tungsten isotope in the mantle has changed a lot.

this happens because the material from the earth's surface that descends into the mantle is "subducted" the researchers wrote in The Conversation.
