Some Science Facts from the Universe Disappear -->

Some Science Facts from the Universe Disappear

Wednesday 11 September 2019, September 11, 2019
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SCIENCE STUDIES, Nobody knows exactly how deep the universe is and how wide the universe is.

Until now no one has been able to confirm conclusively about the universe.

Is it true that as the universe disappears, what is meant by disappearing is that there is a universe of the universe that researchers cannot reach.

The tools that exist in humans today are not very sophisticated, and will never be able to examine how the earth is.


  if there is a study of the vastness of the universe, I don't think anyone will be able to.

but there is a proverb which says that "the area of ​​the Universe is equal to the 7 Layers of heaven and Earth"

If we guide the Layers, the vastness of the universe is layered so that its extent can only be estimated, but certainly humans cannot know.

from a scientific point of view, if the Universe of the Lost part can be seen, surely humans must have thousands of years and must master even higher technology.

and that would be impossible in a short span of time.
